Selasa, 26 Mei 2015

English Conversation

English Conversation
Displayed by :
Krisna Suryanti RSA1C314011
Siti Rahma RSA1C314010

Conversation about close friend
Krisna  : hei, Rahma. What are you doing?
              Why you look so sad ?
Rahma : Hei Krisna, you know ? I confuse now
Krisna  : Confused ? why ? tell to me , maybe i can help you
Rahma : you know my close friend Panji ?
Krisna  : hmmm yes , i know panji ..  what’s up ?
Rahma : He will have a birthday a few days later , And I confuse, what will i give to him
Krisna  : emmm .. wait a minute ..
             I think first. What about if you give him a watch ?
Rahma : a watch ????
Krisna  : yup.. ! it looks so sweet for him, and it must be very special, right ?
Rahma : hmm. It’s ok.  That’s right !
             Anyway thankyou for you idea kris.
Krisna  : you’r wellcome Rahma. Emh I will do everything for you
Rahma : well , let’s go to canteen, i’m very starving
Krisna  : let’s go .. eitss ..
             But you treat me , ok ?
Rahma : ok boss !!!

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